Trash Service

We pick up garbage waste primarily once per week Bundling your service with our sister company RecycleLink brings your service frequency to two times a week (unless of course your days would fall on the same day). Our base residential service includes our 96 gallon tote. Our pricing is dependent on multiple variables, Please contact us for an estimate specific to your needs.
Bundle Today & Save
(Trash & RecycleLink)

Add 1/wk recycling for a fraction of it as a standalone service
With cities all across America considering mandates concerning recycling we are already years ahead thanks to starting RecycleLink in 2008. Because of the success of our forward thinking single stream process we are now able to offer a GREAT deal when it comes to recycling the easiest way there is with NO SORTING REQUIRED. Not to mention that we are the only RecycleBank Rewards equipped provider in Lincoln. Even better, you can now you receive community points every week without even having to set it out each week! When the community recycles everyone wins!